ust after 2:45pm on Saturday 2/18, Good Will and Mutual Aid units were dispatched to Porto-Fino Pizza & Restaurant for a 911 hang up reporting a fire in the restaurant. Engine, Tower, Chief, and Deputy Chief 18 all made the response on dispatch as well as all of the mutual aid units. Upon arrival, Engine 18 split laid a supply line from the entrance of the parking lot and Tower 18 positioned at the front of Porto Finos. Investigating crews were advised of a burning odor with a haze in the bar. Crews investigated for approximately 30 minutes before reducing the assignment to Engine and Tower 18, Rescue Engine 28, and Engine 22. The crews chased an odor for another 90 minutes, opening up the wall and floor in the area of concern. After further investigation throughout the Bar and Dry Cleaners, the incident was placed under control and units cleared, turning the facility back over to the property manager and owners. Porto Fino’s Restaurant is still open for business!